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LLUIS ROIG COMAS ::: artist currently showing :::
Lluis Roig’s sculptures show the sincerity of an artist who isn’t afraid. Materials and ideas are not hidden away. Recycled materials, wood from demolition sites, plastic and resins, electrical appliances, stuff from the hardware store. There are his materials; everyone knows and is in touch with them, they are the substance of his sculptures. He reconstructs the materials into animals or humans, revealing their past and present; what they used to be and what they’ve turned into. Just like Roig, who reveals his experiences and also his most recent past. He transforms his memories, his toys and his experiences- passing them all through the filter of reality- into the present of his studio. Roig takes risks and finds the meaning of his work through accuracy and through mistakes. The sculptures take on meaning in the process. While he reconstructs a heater into a car for dogs, a bath into an alien, or a wooden beam into a human with working joints, Roig thinks about himself.