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NEAL FOX ::: artist currently showing :::
Neal Fox was born in 1981. He studied Graphic Design at Camberwell Art College and Illustration at the Royal College of Art in London. While at the RCA he co-founded LE GUN, an annual art journal, which is now distributed worldwide. Since graduating with an MA in 2005 his commercial illustration clients have included the Guardian, the Independent, Random House and Pete Doherty’s band Babyshambles.
Simultaneously Fox’s more personal work- large scale ink drawings of his grandfather’s ghost on a phantasmagoric drunken bender through history, with iconoclasts such as William Burroughs, Aleister Crowley and Francis Bacon – has led to exhibitions at the Basel Art Fair and most recently a solo show at Gallery Daniel Blau in Munich, whose previous exhibitors have included Georg Baselitz, Andy Warhol and Chuck Close.