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JEAN-FRANCOIS RAUZIER ::: artist currently showing :::
In the 19th century, one hid the intimate, but in today’s society one must exhibit it in order to exist, become visible, the non-visible being inexistent or insignificant.
This visibility satisfies and need for recognition: the individual is considered, appreciated, and judged according to the quantity of signs and images he produces, inciting him to “present” himself incessantly. He is judged not by what he does – his works, his competence, is acts – that are not readily seen but remain part of his protected intimacy – but rather what he exposes, being reduced simply to appearances. Thus, visibility is achieved by the media, reassuring since it is “virtual” as in photography and video. The development of media and the omnipresent new technologies tempt us to create a continuous and infinite production of ourselves. The ultimate object of an artist’s representation through the screen is his own body in its crude intimacy, his face, his skin, his pores, his body hair, his imperfections.