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JACOPO SCASSELLATI ::: artist currently showing :::
Jacopo Scassellati
Jacopo Scassellati was born in Sassari (Sardinia) in 1989 where he still resides today. His family is originally from Umbria. Very early on, he displayed a strong predisposition for art. Grandson and son of artists, he followed in the footsteps of his grandfather Franco Scassellati, by strolling through the meanders of the ceramist laboratory, where he played with clay and colors, transforming them into works that revealed his precocious talent. While he likes to express himself with his brushes and his colors, he nonetheless often reverts back to sources. He sculpts clay works that bring to mind the Sardinian tradition as well as his classic studies. For him, art is a mental process that is displayed through the manipulation, that are researched, studied, experimented with patience an
d obvious pleasure. Indeed, his hands accompany all his creations, guided by his experience as artist-craftsman, from the choice of materials up to the composition of the painting, pursuing an idea, resulting from his urges, emotions, souvenirs and academic studies. He makes his own pigments, like a painter of yesteryear, even though he is constantly seeking new experiences. From there springs his constant artistic metamorphosis, which according to art critic Vittorio Sgarbi, makes him “a young man of talent with a rhythm that no longer exists”.